I love finding home inspo on real estate sites where the trends we interpret are at the most personal and natural style. Scandi. A home in Stockholm photo ready with stacks of magazines along the floor, unframed posters among the gallery wall frames and one of my favourite notes the linen bedding on a let’s call it ‘softly made’ bed. Unforced. Lived in. Personal.

We see so many perfect images on social media and in magazines and by perfect I mean homes of people living all over the world and sharing styling that is how you live it. Styled and tidy yet not like you live in a showroom or in your favourite Scandi store. I must admit this would be a nice start maybe and then I would go in and rough it up a bit. I follow some great stylists and photographers (in which I will get up on the Muse section) that share their lives and homes on social media and it’s this exact feeling that it’s just relaxed a little and makes for a much more achievable and realistic inspo when we bring it home.


Images via Fantastic Frank