I used to be quite the planner with hand written lists a plenty
and when a trip was near I went into overdrive…..
The beauty of spare time! These days with a million and one things on the million and first list of to do’s fleeting trips overseas are like a distant memory. My last big trip was to my love New York city and I was carrying quite a few extras kilos (which did not stop me from shopping all day) by this I mean a 7 month baby bump. Vegas was an interesting experience on this one and I could say I was all cirque du soleil’d out!
October, as it has been for the past 12 or so years is our window of freedom and this year we are making up for my lack of travel with the above being revisited minus a baby/babies but before that we head to Bali for a wedding so plans are locked in and I am making the choice and asking the question do I go to our usual situation of Seminyak or change it up and venture further away from the hustle? Villa or Resort?
Let the lists begin!