One of the reasons I decided to start this humble blog 6 years ago was to bring together all the things I had seen, bought or needed someone to have if I couldn’t. The days before Instagram and when you said you had a blog people thought it may be a disease or something. So when we were shopping for hours on hours online trying to Google our way around searching phrases and brands to see where we had the best chance of securing our size and at the best price so we could justify something else with our change/savings because we are savvy and sometimes to no avail. Enter LYST. She knows all. If you google an item , lets just say ‘Balenciaga large studded slide sandal’ (I don’t want to talk about it, I am wish listed at Matches but I warn you not to procrastinate on a purchase because the band wagon waits for nobody and everyone is on it) ok so search an item you are lusting and chances are you will be clicking on google images from the girl who knows best, Miss LYST. The deal is this – All the best stores and products are fed through this catalogue for you to shop, compare and share and she sends you on your way to add to cart. Ready to spend a few hours on there? You can shop all of their editorial content with one trending right now – Dress like a Scandi ‘It’ girl. You feel me?
I added this petite perfection by Maya Brenner (watch this space as I have an exciting giveaway for you on Insta soon) with a single M but could have added more for sure but took it easy this time. Next was Zimmermann need I say more about this and no justifying needed for this forever brand.
I am aware that its my job to shop and share and my friends and family know that if you need something found to holla my way but if I am unavailable there is a very reliable if not better resource that can do everything I can but better.
Seek and you shall find with LYST.