When you receive an invitation in the mail sent from Chanel you clear the schedule and lock in the time. If not in Paris then Melbourne is the perfect setting for an event of such class and prestige. Two iconic names in Chanel and Marais welcome you to join them for the first time a ready to wear collection ventures outside a Chanel boutique and where more fitting than Marais.
Last night we viewed the collection with canapés and champagne followed by dinner at the brassiere and cocktails on the rooftop being serenaded by The Preatures. If being surrounded by Chanel wasn’t enough.
I urge you to make your way to the Ephemeral Boutique at Marais to discover and marvel at the beauty that is Chanel. Experience not the logo and the brand but everything that is Chanel and reintroduce yourself to fashion, couture fashion. A timeless brand which for me never fails and refuses to steer away from its concept and heart under the pressures of trends and reinvention. The true icon in Luxury branding.
The Ephemeral Boutique
June 15th – July 9th
Marais – Level 1. 73-77 Bourke Street , Melbourne
An Intro to the collection at Marais.com.au